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Animals in War 1914-1918. 'Tirpitz' the pig.

Détails du document
Description :

Pets and Mascots: 'Tirpitz' the pig after being captured and adopted by the British. The pig started service life on board the German light cruiser DRESDEN which was sunk by the Royal Navy on 14 May 1915. A sailor from HMS GLASGOW noticed 'Tirpitz' swimming in the water and after nearly being drowned by the frightened pig , succeeded in rescuing him. 'Tirpitz' served as the mascot of HMS GLASGOW for a year and was then transferred to Whale Island Gunnery School, Portsmouth for the rest of his career.

Licence :

Citer ce document:

“Animals in War 1914-1918. 'Tirpitz' the pig.,” L'Armarium, consulté le 20 septembre 2024,

Date : 1915-05-01

Lieu de conservation : Imperial War Museum

Type : image, Photographies

Format:image, jpeg

Langue(s) : eng

Cote : Imperial War Museum. Q 47559